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Jerusalem Artichoke Soup with Parsley Oil

Jerusalem artichokes were something Lynton showed me were extremely delicious as a soup! This is now my family and friends favourite soup of all time. Thanks Lynto!

Jerusalem Artichoke Soup

500g jerusalem artichokes, peeled and finely diced

1 x shallot, finely diced

1 x garlic clove, crushed

Olive oil for frying

500ml full cream milk

salt, pinch

50g butter, cubed

Parsley Oil

1 bunch parsley, washed, dried, roughly chopped 1/4 cup grapeseed oil or extra virgin olive oil for a stronger flavour pinch of sea salt

Jerusalem Artichoke Frites

1 x jerusalem artichoke, peeled and julienned

Vegetable oil for frying

salt, pinch

Fresh parsley, optional to garnish


Jerusalem Artichoke Soup

  1. Heat oil in a large saucepan, when hot, add shallot and garlic, sauté until onion softens.

  2. Add in jerusalem artichokes, salt and enough milk to cover, turn heat to low and gently simmer for 20 minutes or until the artichokes until tender. You can always add more milk if too thick, but make sure not to add to much at this stage.

  3. Once artichokes have softened, blend into a thick soup, adding more milk if necessary, whilst hot, blend in butter, one cube at a time. Season with more salt.


Parsley Oil

  1. Place all ingredients in a blender until smooth and all combined.

  2. At this stage, you can either let it steep for 30 minutes, or you can strain it straight away using a muslin cloth and sieve. Discard pulp. Set oil aside.

Jerusalem Artichoke Frites

  1. Heat oil to 180C.

  2. Add in a bunch of artichokes at a time and fry for about 30 seconds to one minute or until golden brown. Remove and drain on a paper towel, repeat with remaining artichokes. Toss through salt and set aside.

To Serve

Ladle soup into bowl, drizzle with parsley oil, parsley and then sprinkle over some jerusalem artichoke frites.

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